My Cultural Radar

These are some of the things I have stucked in my head lately:

Film: Recently I made the effort and watched "Before Sunrise", the first movie of the "Before" trilogy starring Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy, directed by Richard Linklater. It is a really beautiful movie and it demonstrates more of that "normal" love, a more natural and sincere form of knowing a person that you connect with. I recommend it to cry or laugh about life or the movie itself.

Music: I've been listening to a lot of music lately, but returned to one of my favorites albums of all time: "Bring It Back Home" by Bob Dylan. I just love the frenetic stories, rythms and lyrics of Bob, being "Subterranean Homesick Blues" one of my favorites songs. Sadly I don't have this album of his, but I hope to buy it soon because it's simply great. 

Book: For my birthday an aunt of mine gifted me a book that was entertaining in all the forms that I like when something or someone needs to narrate a story. "Life is elsewhere" written by Milan Kundera is a really good novel for everyone that's trying to find themselves during all the chaos that surrounds us, like wars, love, family, art, and mainly the chaos that exists in oneself. 

Exhibition: In Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Cecilia Vicuña's exhibition "Soñar el agua" it's a must to see how we think of ourselves and how Cecilia represented us, from tiny works that fit in the corner of the room to a large Quipu that has the height of the museum itself. She also is presenting his legendary work "Palabrarmas" that mix design with words of our language in order to explore their definitions. 

Graphic Design: Lately I've been discovering many forms of representations in the world of design and been attracted mainly to designs that lead to an easier and funnier interpretation of serious matters, for example: the good manners in public transport. In 2010, Tokyo's Subway woke up with these posters of the "Let's do it again" series that were striking and a cool way to comprehend how what we do can affect others.

Art: Last but not least, I want to present to you the magnificent work of M.C. Escher. Maybe you've seen his well-known optic work where there are stairs with no end or beginning, or flying birds that turns into a chest board, but I am more intrigued in his work "Puddle". It is simple but by its simplicity opens a world, a world that Luis Alberto Spinetta took to make an entire album with the inspiration that this painting gave him. 


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