My first concert

I haven't been to many concerts, I’m sure I’ve gone more to independent artist’s gigs such as jazz gigs or indie/alternative. But one of the greatest shows I’ve ever seen as a youngster is Jamiroquai’s. It was one of the very first concerts in my life and I hope I can add more as the years go by, this time I went with my aunt, a cousin and my dad to Movistar Arena. This concert was special because they've just released a new album called "Automaton" in March of 2017, and after a long tour the band arrived in Chile in December of the same year. 

It's my dad's fault that I love this band so much. It's his favorite band too and he has a CD collection of all the older albums that I've been claiming as mine because I'm the one that uses the CD player more often. If you don't know this band, I recommend it a lot -- It's fun, funky and very groovy with some of the greatest musicians there are. I personally like some of the old records like "Emergency on Planet Earth" and "The Return of the Space Cowboy".

About the concert, I loved it. The vocalist, Jay Kay, still sang like the old times and they sounded spectacular. My aunt got us some bad seats, but then the concert staff invited us to go closer to the stage and my dad and I went over there, so I was fascinated by everything.

I still have many concerts to go to in the future but now I have this great concert in my memory, and it was very cool, better than the Viña del Mar concert they performed.


  1. It´s wondeerfull to be able to see your favorite band

  2. Cool. I remember when Jamiroquai released they first song. They claimed Jay Kay was the new Stevie Wonder:)

  3. Jamiroquai is a great band!, it must have been great to see them live

  4. They are amazing, and i can imagine that they sounds great live

  5. what a great experience it must be to see your favorite band live


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