About my brother

 Hello everyone :) 

Today I will talk about my brother Diego. He's my little brother (although his 18th birthday is in december), just making us the only two brothers along a family of mostly women. I'm older than him by a year and half, so we always had the issue of sharing or those fights little kids have. Yeah, we used to fight a lot actually because of toys or about the TV channel, but when we were getting older those childish fight started to cease. But he's a great kid, I love him.
    As he was getting older and started to discover more about the world we got to talk more and more about college, music, clothes, movies or sports. He used to be a football player in an U. Católica club for kids, and he was very good. Eventually he left because of some low grades in school, but nowadays he likes to skateboard and I try to show him videos or tell him some technics because I also did a little skateboarding.
    Now his big drama is choosing an university career, as he is interested in so many things (astronomy, design, photography, music, etc.) it's been hard to make a decision about it. But I hope he gets to something he really loves because he deserves it. Diego may not be a person with big patience, but neither am I, so everything is possible and I also try to help him as we always do research together.
    This song reminds me of him, as now we don't see each other everyday I sometimes start to miss him.


  1. i hope you do well in your career choice

  2. wow my sister is in the same dilemma, choosing what to study, i think it is a decision that takes time.


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