A Book

 Hi everyone!

I'm going to talk of one of my favorite book and author: Artur Rimbaud's "A Season in Hell". I read this book when I was passing through a hard time discovering what I wanted to do with my life, maybe when I was 16 or 17 (although I've read it multiple times after the first time ever, that's the magic about poetry books).
    Before reading Rimbaud, I read "Kids" by Patti Smith, where she writes about the times she and her soulmate, Robert Mapplethorpe, lived in NYC and started their paths as artist. There, the punk poet made the very important point on how Rimbaud's work inspired her to achieve whatever she wanted to achieve. When I finally read it, I was amazed by the beautifulness of the grotesque because of the fragility Rimbaud can show in his writting. I began to see beauty in everything and inspired me to keep writing, thinking and do something with all that knowledge. 


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