Dream Job

 Hello everyone! Hope you doing fine.

Living in this crazy world, a job it's a very important thing for everyone. Not only having it but also to aspire one is a north in this madness called life. I don't feel good saying I've never had a job, but at least I've made some gigs that got paid, but they're mainly from things I've done helping someone in my family or playing guitar in a coffee shop.
    But I guess that is my dream job: being a musician full-time, writing and playing and achieving a connection between the listeners and my music. Being an artist is something I've been looking at since I was little but never really paying attention to all of those signals. In the beginning, tha action to create was very hard for me because I thought that to be original someone must not listen to anything, resulting in an unique and "honest" creation. Later I discovered the fragility in that argument: it's almost impossible to make something without a ground. What actually helped me a lot was studying jazz guitar, scales, chords and practice, besides listening to a lot of music and reading a lot of novels or poetry (or both) and being active in life.
    To write something that strikes people you need to be in touch with the thing you live because it is the same way that everyone lives but with your comprehension of things: I think the main thing about music is the way that we can argue about what we listen, feel and see. Being capable of doing that depends on the sensibility and the way of expressing the feeling and emotions of ourselves.
    I think I can do that, I've been preparing an LP to come out hopefully this summer or the next year with these ideas. Some of my big inspirations of this dream are Spinetta, Charly Garcia, Roberto Parra, Patti Smith, Bob Dylan and much more legends I listen and learn everyday from them. The only thing I need to do in this area is to generate the contacts between the people on the chilean music scene, taking advantage from the uni or the gigs I've been where I got to know many young jazz musicians, but I've been away from all that because of the classes and studies.

This is me playing jazz on some gig in Yungay :p


  1. Charly Garcia is amazing, is a genius

  2. I think that jazz is the best music gender to learn and play guitar (and other instruments!!)


  3. i think it's really nice to want to make a connection between the listeners and the music.


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