Damon Albarns' Cultural Radar on The Guardian

Today I checked out Damon Albarn's cultural radar highlights! If you don't know him, Damon is the lead singer in Blur and co-founder of Gorillaz, so, he's a very cool guy -being a musician myself, I can say how difficult it is to write song like his. He posted about film, theatre, a book, an exhibition and about music, along with a curious app. 

Reading his post on The Guardian, I can't help but notice his interest on particular things like this cellphone app called "Djembeföla" that breaks down west African percussive ensembles with its polyrythmics part or his arrival to a Palestinian restaurant because they serve a special kind of tea, it shows he's a particular individual. I also love how he pictured Duke Ellington's work and the growth along all those of playing didn't stop the Duke to stop experimenting and it kind of reminds me to Damon's figure nowadays, he just doesn't stop going forward. 


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