
Hello there, this is my first official blog in the history of the Internet. My name is Ignacio, born and raised (sadly, maybe) in Santiago where I've always lived in the suburbs of the city, but right now I am located in the epicenter of the capital. No matter where I am, my family joins me, we always try to keep each other near and it's conformed of my grandpas and parents, my little brother (although he is very tall), my aunt and her daughter and my dog, Walt. Within this load of people and activity (referring to the city too), I've always found comfort in books, music -listening and playing specifically alternative/rock/jazz-, writing or watching movies; maybe those are my hobbies but I don't call them like that because they are not in a side of my life but it is my life in many ways. And some of my dreams are about them, writing a book or creating something that can give an answer to "life" or maybe not, but create something. I believe it's the same reason why I'm studying architecture, besides it is only my second semester in uni. 

A picture of my dog and fun fact: He's named after Walt Whitman because of the beard :D.


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