Not another beach trip
I wouldn't say I've traveled very much during my short life. The places I've mostly been to are beaches like Zapallar's Lake or Algarrobo on some holidays. The biggest trip my family and I have had was to Villarrica, but I am not writing about that (really boring) trip in this blog: I'll talk about the time my friends and I went for 5 days to El Quisco beach for winter holidays. I've known these friends since I entered school; Fernando, Franco, Cristóbal, Diego, Benjamín were (and still are) some of not so many long-term friendships I have. We went to Fernando's family house that was not so close to the coast itself - but we didn't care enough to take a swim in the cold freezing water. We made the decision to go on a trip in school, but I can't remember in which class: the plan was to get together early in the morning on the subway (because most of us lived near each other), and go from there to station Universidad de Santiago heading over to the bus...